Wednesday, October 10, 2012

MaoistRebelNews2 is a Misguided Fool

MaoistRebelNews2 is a large bearded man who spews vitriol in front of a communist flag on YouTube. He vlogs wearing his Cuban uniform and provides the internet with a dim-witted communist interpretation of the day’s events. Many of his videos consist of Ad Hominem attacks or whiney rants concerning people or events that don’t validate his narrow view of the world. Anyone who has taken a first-year economics course would have already learned that communism has been absolutely discredited as a valid economic platform. I guess MaoistRebelNews2 never made it past tenth grade. He has also disabled ratings on all his videos. I suppose he got tired of hearing how much an imbecile he is.

Despite my criticism, I really don’t think that MaoistRebelNews2 is an evil guy. He just seems like a misguided young adult who is desperately trying to grasp at an identity that makes him seem edgy and puts him at odds with the rest of society. This is his pathetic attempt at trying to understand his place in the world. The confused frustrations expressed by the Occupy movement are manifested quite perfectly in the ideas that MRN conveys in his videos.

It would take a post ten times the size of this one to thoroughly give his videos their due criticism, but the one that screams idiocy above all others is his vlog about Ayn Rand. He argues that because Rand smoked, cheated on her husband, and used diet pills, she was therefore a sociopath and her ideas should be dismissed. This is a perfect example of the Ad Hominem attacks that liberals and socialists regurgitate in response to Rand’s philosophy. MRN then goes on to say that her ideas were responsible for the murder of Native Americans by the colonialists and Africans during the slave trade.  Anyone who knows anything remotely about Rand knows that this can be dismissed as sheer lunacy. Ayn Rand conjectured that the initiation of force against another man was the cause of all evil in humankind. Contrary to what leftists will claim, Rand stood for non-violence and peaceful negotiation as a means to further one’s own goals. Communism stands for the exact opposite of that. Is it not a little ironic that MRN attacks Rand for justifying violence while he promotes the political philosophy that is responsible for the deaths of untold millions of innocent human beings? Mao Zedong alone was responsible for the deaths of 70 million people through sheer incompetence. This does not even account all those who are imprisoned and tortured in communist China today. Anyone who actually experienced first-hand the consequences of a communist regime would be disgusted by the things that MRN says.

Despite being a lone lunatic on the internet, MRN is a reflection of the political ignorance that is allowed to persist in society today. The implications of communism should be evident in all the millions of deaths, mismanagement, and corruption under Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot. His ideas are a manifestation of the unwillingness to learn from past events. The Spanish philosopher George Santayana said:

“Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it”. 

MaoistRebelNews2 as he hails the cumming of the Proletariat 

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