Monday, October 29, 2012

Fuck Twitter

Millions of base-functioning, mouth-breathing insects congregate en masse to the swirling pool of degeneracy known as Twitter. Twitter is the new social media fad to enthrall the attention-deficient imbeciles of the day. If you can compress your thoughts and feelings down to 140 characters or less, then you are operating at a sufficient intellectual level to use Twitter. 

Twitter is a sad reflection of the diminishing attention spans of modern man. Nobody wants to read anymore or let alone think. Nobody wants to take the effort to learn new ideas and concepts that will be conducive to their respective betterment and mental development. No—to hell with that! Why read when you can consume and regurgitate easily digestible phrases and nonsense written by celebrities and otherwise unimpressive fucks on the internet?

Twitter is a cesspool of anti-intellectualism. It encourages the oversimplification of ideas and feelings. Nothing of value can be said in 140 characters or less whether it was written by Justin Bieber or that guy Jim from my calculus class. If the new standard for wit is what you can communicate with 140 characters or less then all academic pursuits should immediately be abandoned. Fuck rhetoric, literature, philosophy, and art—we have Twitter now. Everybody’s thoughts are accessible to everybody! Everybody can follow everybody even though nobody really knows where they’re going; so they only follow each other like rats into the yawning abyss of idiocy.

Fuck Twitter and the easily-impressed simpletons who use it. The sooner humanity can discard such frivolous pursuits; the sooner we can all press beyond this dark age of mindless masturbation and achieve something substantial as a human race. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Predictions of The Future

I am not a seer or a wizard. I do not claim to possess any psychic powers but based on what I see around myself, I am in a position just as suitable to make predictions of the future. It doesn’t take supernatural powers to see what is yet to be. I read about the past and then draw inferences based on how the trends of the modern day will play out to affect the future of mankind. I believe that my predictions will be generally accurate of the years to come. I guess we’ll have to see.

Contrary to what many people envision when they imagine what the future will bring, I do not foresee any great, transformative changes occurring within the next few decades. The second law of thermodynamics states that when no new energy is introduced into a closed system, that system will naturally tend towards disorder and entropy. This is what I am seeing now in the current state of political affairs. In nations all over the globe, there is a severe lack of change in the political philosophies of their leaders. In the United States, the distinction between Republican and Democrat has gradually faded into non-existence. The countries of Europe have kept the same basic leadership since the Second World War (with a few exceptions). The eradication of Communism was the last notable landmark of political change in the last thirty years. Without the element of revolutionary political change, then according to the second law of thermodynamics, the state of Western civilization is going to continue its state of gradual decline. The energy that is lacked in politics are revolutionary leaders who can induce substantial change instead of the puppet-politicians who all represent either side of the same coin. The entropy that is the consequence of this is in the form of economic decline, technological decline, military decline and the erosion of freedom.
In the right lighting, they probably even look the same

Another factor that will bring about the entropy of mankind is the lack of war. War is painted as evil and destructive and immoral (which you could make a pretty cogent argument for). However, war is necessary to invoke large-scale social change and evolutionary progress. Most significant historical changes have been a result of armed conflict. The Roman Empire didn’t attain the power it had simply by asking nicely for its territories. The British Empire didn’t become the largest empire in the world by winning the lottery. The enormous impact that these empires had on civilization was brought about by their military dominance. Because there have not been any large-scale wars (the likes of WWII) in the past seventy years, stagnation and political decline are the result. War is necessary for the natural evolution of mankind. It helps to control unmanageable population growth and the mass mobilization of war has produced numerous technological and scientific discoveries.

Because of nuclear weapons, the fear of war has prevented any such catalysts for armed conflict. The destruction caused by modern nuclear arms has the potential to wipe out the human race more than once. This justification has resulted in the avoidance of large-scale wars since 1945. This trend will continue until such a conflict becomes unavoidable.
If there is to be a large, transformative war in the next fifty years, I believe it will be the result of two possible scenarios:

1.      The tensions against Israel will mount and one or more Arab countries will declare war on them. If Israel can still count on the support of the United States and other western states to assist them, then the war will be fought mainly by the US against probably Iran or Pakistan.

2.      Pakistan will Invade India. China and the US will be drawn into the conflict and eventually end up in a total war.

Either way, the use of nuclear arms is inevitable within the next two hundred years or so. The lack of energy created by the lack of war will result in the stagnation of the human race.  We as a species can only exist in a state of entropy for so long before a catalyst will produce a large-scale social and political change like a war. Humans naturally are a species prone to conflicts. To enforce a state of peace is at the expense of the natural evolution of mankind. The future will bring about entropy until a grandiose social or political change that will likely come in the form of a war. My prediction of the future may appear dark, but it is only a reflection of the past and on the harsh nature of reality.

Do you have a better prediction of the future? Do you agree/disagree with me? Post it as a comment below. All opinions are welcome. (Unless you are a Visigoth, in which case, fuck off!)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

MaoistRebelNews2 is a Misguided Fool

MaoistRebelNews2 is a large bearded man who spews vitriol in front of a communist flag on YouTube. He vlogs wearing his Cuban uniform and provides the internet with a dim-witted communist interpretation of the day’s events. Many of his videos consist of Ad Hominem attacks or whiney rants concerning people or events that don’t validate his narrow view of the world. Anyone who has taken a first-year economics course would have already learned that communism has been absolutely discredited as a valid economic platform. I guess MaoistRebelNews2 never made it past tenth grade. He has also disabled ratings on all his videos. I suppose he got tired of hearing how much an imbecile he is.

Despite my criticism, I really don’t think that MaoistRebelNews2 is an evil guy. He just seems like a misguided young adult who is desperately trying to grasp at an identity that makes him seem edgy and puts him at odds with the rest of society. This is his pathetic attempt at trying to understand his place in the world. The confused frustrations expressed by the Occupy movement are manifested quite perfectly in the ideas that MRN conveys in his videos.

It would take a post ten times the size of this one to thoroughly give his videos their due criticism, but the one that screams idiocy above all others is his vlog about Ayn Rand. He argues that because Rand smoked, cheated on her husband, and used diet pills, she was therefore a sociopath and her ideas should be dismissed. This is a perfect example of the Ad Hominem attacks that liberals and socialists regurgitate in response to Rand’s philosophy. MRN then goes on to say that her ideas were responsible for the murder of Native Americans by the colonialists and Africans during the slave trade.  Anyone who knows anything remotely about Rand knows that this can be dismissed as sheer lunacy. Ayn Rand conjectured that the initiation of force against another man was the cause of all evil in humankind. Contrary to what leftists will claim, Rand stood for non-violence and peaceful negotiation as a means to further one’s own goals. Communism stands for the exact opposite of that. Is it not a little ironic that MRN attacks Rand for justifying violence while he promotes the political philosophy that is responsible for the deaths of untold millions of innocent human beings? Mao Zedong alone was responsible for the deaths of 70 million people through sheer incompetence. This does not even account all those who are imprisoned and tortured in communist China today. Anyone who actually experienced first-hand the consequences of a communist regime would be disgusted by the things that MRN says.

Despite being a lone lunatic on the internet, MRN is a reflection of the political ignorance that is allowed to persist in society today. The implications of communism should be evident in all the millions of deaths, mismanagement, and corruption under Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot. His ideas are a manifestation of the unwillingness to learn from past events. The Spanish philosopher George Santayana said:

“Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it”. 

MaoistRebelNews2 as he hails the cumming of the Proletariat