Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hillary Clinton is an Imbecile

Hillary Clinton probed into deeper levels of stupidity this week during a speech she gave to a conference in New York. She began the speech by talking about providing sustainable economic growth to developing nations. Following this up, Clinton incited a witch-hunt against the rich of those nations by calling for increased taxation.

“There are rich people everywhere and yet they do not contribute to the growth of their own countries... You know I’m out of American politics, but it is a fact that around the world the elites of every country are making money.”

It is ridiculous and unfounded thinking such as this that causes the economic stagnation in the countries that Clinton claims to care so much about. Regulations and taxing the wealthy is never the way to sustainable economic growth. One needs only to read a history book to see this. During the twentieth century, nations such as India and Soviet Russia had much lower standards of living compared to freer capitalist countries like Japan and the USA. It wasn’t until India and Russia began implementing more free-market policies did their economies grow. The very same can be said about developing nations today. Many of the poorest countries in Africa and Central America are also extremely corrupt and have very socialist governments.

Their economies will not grow by taxing their rich. In fact, this will have the complete opposite effect. Because the rich are the ones who generate a nation’s wealth, you effectively decrease their incentives to become more productive the higher they are taxed. It’s like curing a bacterial infection by throwing away all your antibiotics.

People like Hillary Clinton who get off on taxing the rich are only jealous of the financial success that these people have achieved. It also benefits Clinton to gain support from the other like-minded thieves whofeel they are entitled to another person’s property.  She obviously does not comprehend that in order for one to become wealthy, one must be a productive force in the economy—not just some greedy shill. It is truly disgraceful that people are actually taking the words of this dangerous lunatic seriously. 

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